

To use the charts, you must have Helm installed. Refer to Helm’s documentation for installation instructions.

Once Helm is set up correctly, add the repository by running:

helm repo add recordermoe https://recorder-moe.github.io/k8s-recorder.moe

If you’ve already added this repository before, run helm repo update to get the latest package versions. You can then search for available charts with helm search repo recordermoe.

Before installing a chart, create a values.yaml file and override default settings according to your needs. Download the default values.yaml, and edit it as required:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Recorder-moe/k8s-recorder.moe/master/recordermoe/values.yaml > values.yaml

After preparing the values.yaml, install the chart using:

helm install my-recorder recordermoe/recordermoe --values values.yaml

Check if my-recorder is running by executing:

kubectl get all

To uninstall a chart, run:

helm delete my-recorder